
BWH Hotels in Scandinavia are setting high standards for our member hotels, not only through our
quality program, but also through our extensive Code of Conduct which is implemented in all our hotels.
These ethical guidelines, based on strict policies, explain how we expect our hotels to act.


Our policies are based on the UN Global Compact principles for a sustainable business.

These policies work as helpful tools to ensure that national and international laws are being complied with, but also ensure that our guests feel safe and certain about our engagement in Human rights & Anti Trafficking, Work Rights, Equality and Diversity, Animal Rights and Anti-corruption.

Sustainability partners

Alongside the Code of Conduct, the Scandinavian hotels all work with a certified partner when it comes to sustainability and environmental work. Thanks to these partnerships, the hotels are able to reduce water consumption, electricity consumption and waste disposal at a high range with environmental benefits.

These partnerships (certifications) also help our hotels to keep track of the national and international laws as well as making sure that new challenges are being tackled and implemented. Information is an important key towards a successful sustainability work, and our hotels are all obliged to ensure that all staff members have the proper information and education with the goal to raise awareness and engagement in the ongoing sustainability work at the hotel.

Hotels that have not historically worked with any sustainability partner have proven to gain great benefits from the work that is done in collaboration with a certified sustainability partner (such as Green Key, Miljøfyrtårnet, Svanen or any other qualified environmental/sustainability organization).

Feedback from our hotels

One of our hotels claims that “We have become sharper when it comes to menu planning, the same ingredients throughout the menu, so there is less waste”. They also have started with dedicated environmental meetings, where new ideas from the staff are being brought up to the surface. An engaged staff will help your hotel to perform even better on all levels and reduce the carbon footprint.

Another one of our hotels, when asked the question if they have seen any positive effects of an environmental certification, responds: “Yes, to the highest degree, because the (sustainability) labeling is a basic requirement in most procurements, i.e. some kind of environmental labeling is required and without this we would not qualify for the procurement”.

We can see a chain reaction, with benefits on many levels, when a company/hotel starts to oversee, in an organized manner, the consumption of all areas (such as purchase, electricity, water, heating, food waste etc). Reducing consumption, without compromising the comfort of the guests, and contributing to a better world – that is where we see a true win-win situation.